34 research outputs found


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    Cloud computing technology provides services, computing, and storage for users over internet. This new technology allows companies to reduce hardware and software investments, users can collaborate easily with others everywhere in the world. However, security is a serious concern for cloud users. Strong user authentication is required for cloud computing in order to restrict illegal access to cloud services. In this regard, this paper proposes a strong user authentication based on digital certificates for cloud computing, users are authenticated using private public key infrastructure (PKI). The proposed method provides identity control, mutual authentication, session key establishment between the users and the cloud server. Moreover, our approach doesn’t require any investment in subscription or purchasing commercial certificates for an enterprise with worldwide branches


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    Le Cloud computing est un moyen de rĂ©duire les coĂ»ts et de simplifier la gestion des applications informatiques. Cette nouvelle technologie est positionnĂ©e dans un contexte opĂ©rationnel de mobilitĂ© des employĂ©s et d’accĂšs aux ressources informatiques en tout lieu, Ă  tout moment et avec tout type de terminaux. Quelle que soit la nature de Cloud, privĂ©e ou publique, son adoption doit s’accompagner des mesures de sĂ©curitĂ© adĂ©quates. Cet article prĂ©sente une solution IP Sec pour la sĂ©curisation des Ă©changes d’information des applications de Cloud. Nous avons proposĂ© une architecture et un paramĂ©trage IP Sec optimal afin de garantir un bon compromis sĂ©curitĂ©/complexitĂ©


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    Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre des systĂšmes radio mobiles basĂ©s sur la modulation multi-porteuse OFDM.  L'objectif est de proposer une technique permettant l’estimation efficace du canal dynamique pour les  rĂ©cepteurs OFDM Ă  grande mobilitĂ©. Dans cet article, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une mĂ©thode d’estimation des variations temporelles des gains complexes pour un canal dynamique Ă  effet Doppler. Cette mĂ©thode est basĂ©e sur les valeurs moyennes des gains complexes qui sont estimĂ©es par un estimateur LS sur K blocs OFDM consĂ©cutifs, et une interpolation polynomiale dans le domaine temporel des variations du canal. La technique prĂ©sentĂ©e, se base sur le fait que la valeur moyenne d’un processus de Rayleigh est extrĂȘmement proche de la valeur centrale d’un bloc OFDM pour les rĂ©cepteurs Ă  vitesses Ă©levĂ©es rĂ©alistes qui peuvent atteindre 300 km/h.


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    Le canal de propagation MIMO OFDM est gĂ©nĂ©ralement estimĂ© en utilisant une sĂ©quence d'apprentissage connue au niveau du rĂ©cepteur. L’augmentation du nombre des sous porteuses pilotes par bloc OFDM engendre une amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© d'estimation du canal mais aussi une perte en termes de dĂ©bit utile. De mĂȘme, la diminution du nombre des sous porteuses pilotes augmente le dĂ©bit utile mais dĂ©grade la qualitĂ© d'estimation du canal. Une question qui se pose concerne le choix de l’espacement optimal des sous porteuses pilotes pour avoir une bonne estimation du canal sans diminuer significativement le dĂ©bit utile de transmission. Dans cet article nous avons proposĂ© un algorithme de recherche de l’emplacement optimal des pilotes

    Iterative Channel Estimation for SISO and MIMO-OFDM Systems in Time-Varying Channels

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    Abstract-This paper proposes a simple and efficient algorithm using polynomial interpolation for SISO and MIMO-OFDM systems in a fast time-varying channel. The time averages of the multipath complex gains, over the effective duration of each OFDM symbol, are estimated using LS criterion. After that, the time variation of the channel within several OFDM symbols are obtained by interpolating the time average values using polynomial interpolation. Specifically, we propose and evaluate the performance of channel estimation using third-degree polynomial interpolation with an adaptive pilot scheme in order to optimally use pilot tones over time varying channels. The ICI can be cancelled by using partial successive interference cancellation (PSIC) in data symbol detection instead of basic SIC method. Keywords-Channel estimation, OFDM, MIMO, Mobile multipath channel. I. INTRODUCTION OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) has been widely applied in wireless communication systems due to its high data rate transmission and its robustness to multipath channel delay In OFDM systems, channel estimation is usually performed by sending training pilot symbols on subcarriers known at the receiver and the quality of the estimation depends on the pilot arrangement. Since the channel's response is a slow varying process, the pilot symbols essentially sample this process and therefore need to have a density that is high enough to reconstruct the channel's response at the receiver side ‱ The amount of pilot symbols to be transmitted; ‱ The complexity of the estimator. The MMSE estimators have good performance but high complexity. The LS estimator has low complexity, but its performance is not as good as that of the MMSE estimators In the present paper, we present an iterative algorithm for channel estimation with inter-sub-carrierinterference (ICI) cancellation in MIMO OFDM systems using polynomial modeling (P-BEM) and an adaptive pilot pattern. For a Jakes' spectrum Rayleigh gain, it has been shown in The proposed algorithm, with less number of pilot tones and with low computational complexity, gives a good performance over the conventional methods. This proposed algorithm can in fact be considered as an extension of an algorithm for time-variant channels My Abdelkader Youssefi et al. / International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET

    Performance Improvement for Vehicular Communications Using Alamouti Scheme with High Mobility, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2020, nr 3

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    The IEEE 802.11p standard is the basic protocol for wireless access in a vehicular environment (WAVE), providing high throughput for multimedia and high quality for vehicular transmissions. However, IEEE 802.11p fails to offer any multi-antenna approaches. In this paper, a multipleinput single-output (MISO) implementation with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), aiming to improve the performance of IEEE 802.11p, is proposed. The authors investigate the impact of time-varying channel on the performance of Alamouti space-time block codes (STBC) in OFDM systems. The Alamouti STBC approach shows good performance in slow time-varying environments, while its Alamouti space frequency block codes (SFBC) counterpart performs better over fast time-varying environments. An adaptive switching scheme is proposed to select appropriate spaceblock coding (STBC or SFBC) in vehicular channels with high mobility levels. It is shown that the proposed adaptive scheme provides better performance compared with traditional spaceblock code

    Visual and light detection and ranging-based simultaneous localization and mapping for self-driving cars

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    In recent years, there has been a strong demand for self-driving cars. For safe navigation, self-driving cars need both precise localization and robust mapping. While global navigation satellite system (GNSS) can be used to locate vehicles, it has some limitations, such as satellite signal absence (tunnels and caves), which restrict its use in urban scenarios. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) are an excellent solution for identifying a vehicle’s position while at the same time constructing a representation of the environment. SLAM-based visual and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) refer to using cameras and LIDAR as source of external information. This paper presents an implementation of SLAM algorithm for building a map of environment and obtaining car’s trajectory using LIDAR scans. A detailed overview of current visual and LIDAR SLAM approaches has also been provided and discussed. Simulation results referred to LIDAR scans indicate that SLAM is convenient and helpful in localization and mapping

    Improvement of LTE Downlink Channel Estimation Performance by Using an Adaptive Pilot Pattern, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2015, nr 2

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    This paper proposes an adaptive pilot pattern to improve channel estimation performance for LTE downlink system with high mobility. The downlink pilot positions are predefined in the time and frequency domain with fixed pilot pattern in LTE standard. However, that pilot structure is not efficient in a fast time varying channel, and leads to a decrease of channel estimation performance. The authors propose and evaluate the performance of LTE downlink channel estimation using an adaptive pilot scheme to optimally use pilot tones over time varying channels. It is shown that only seven bits of additional wide-band feedback per frame and per user are required to optimally support adaptive pilot pattern. Simulation results show that the proposed method allows high performance in terms of throughput and channel estimation error. This analysis shows that LTE downlink throughput could be increased over 4%

    QualitĂ© de l’enseignement de base et inĂ©galitĂ©s scolaires au Maroc

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    La dĂ©claration mondiale de l’éducation pour tous (EPT) adoptĂ©e Ă  Jomtien (1990) et le cadre d’action Dakar (2000) ont bien dĂ©fini une vision globale qui porte sur un enseignement gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©, Ă©quitable et de qualitĂ© (UNESCO : rapport mondial de l’éducation pour tous). L’équitĂ© Ă  l’école est devenue une exigence Ă  cause de son caractĂšre insĂ©parable de la qualitĂ©. C’est dans ce sens qu’apparait la nouvelle rĂ©forme de l’école marocaine celle de la vision stratĂ©gique 2015-2030 qui prĂŽne une Ă©cole de l’équitĂ©, de la qualitĂ© et de la promotion de l’individu et de la sociĂ©tĂ©. La prĂ©sente contribution ambitionne de jeter la lumiĂšre sur les diffĂ©rentes formes d’inĂ©galitĂ©s scolaires qui entravent la rĂ©alisation des objectifs du dĂ©veloppement en matiĂšre de l’accĂšs Ă  une Ă©ducation de qualitĂ©, et ce Ă  travers une approche comparative des systĂšmes de qualitĂ© dans les payes de la rĂ©gion MENA. On essaiera Ă©galement de mettre l’accent sur les indicateurs de l’équitĂ© et de la qualitĂ© liĂ©s au processus de l’enseignement tout en se basant sur les donnĂ©es rĂ©centes des Ă©valuations internationales TIMSS (2015) et PIRLS (2016)